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email: emanuela.merelli@unicam.it

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a.a. 2024-2025 - materiale didattico in Google Classroom

Anno accademico 2024-2025

-- Algoritmi e Strutture Dati (1° semestre)

Il materiale condiviso durante il corso è disponibile nell'aula virtuale ASD2425 di Google Classroom, accessibile previa registrazione sulla piattaforma con Account UNICAM (name.surename@studenti.unicam.it)

Academic Year 2024-2025

-- Distributed Calculus and Coordination (I Term)

Materials and resources shared during the teaching period is available in the virtual room DCC2425  accessible at Google Classroom platform. Students can access by regeistering with UNICAM Account 

- Multiagent Systems Lab (2° Term)

Materials and resources shared during the teaching period is available in teh virtual room MASL2425 accessible at Google Classroom platform. Students can access by regeistering with UNICAM Account 